UMC Podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to learn more about Christ as well as ministries, outreach and the United Methodist Church itself.

Get Your Spirit in Shape is a free, 30-minute podcast from United Methodist Communications. Episodes feature casual conversations with leaders, authors, and others who offer spiritual nutrition and exercises to help us get and keep our spirits in shape.

The Compass podcast seeks to provide listeners with insights on finding something spiritual or the presence of the Divine in day-to-day life. Each month, hosts Pierce and Ryan answer the question: “How is it with your soul?” in light of recent events and life’s burning questions. They’re often joined by special guests.

The Small Groups in the Wesleyan Way podcast is where we are all about going beyond curriculum, beyond programs, beyond best practices to recover and learn from our Wesleyan roots and to explore the foundations for small groups that produce disciples of Jesus Christ who in turn disciple others. Hosted by Scott Hughes, Director of Adult Discipleship, and Steve Manskar, Director of Wesleyan Leadership and Covenant Discipleship for Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church.